Recently the Brentwood Fire and Rescue family was shocked to learn that Assistant Chief David Windrow has been diagnosed with
late stage Multiple Myeloma, a form of bone cancer that attacks bone
marrow. Chief Windrow has been an
integral part of both Brentwood Fire and Rescue as well as the Tennessee fire service
for the past 17 years. Chief Windrow is ready for the fight, is currently
undergoing chemotherapy, and has a bone marrow transplant scheduled for September.
While Multiple Myeloma is incurable, it is treatable. However, the medicine used to treat this cancer costs hundreds of dollars per month and
many of the necessary drugs are not covered by insurance. For this reason Brentwood Fire and Rescue is holding fundraising events for Chief Windrow on Saturday, August 24th,. Planned events for the fundraiser include a car wash, a chili cook-off and a silent auction. The
car wash will be held from 10am-1pm at the Brentwood United Methodist Church on
Franklin Rd and the chili cook-off and silent auction will be held from 5pm-7pm
at the Brentwood Library. In conjunction with these events, the Brentwood
Morning Rotary Club will be organizing a Corn Hole tournament to be held at the
Library at 4pm.
For more information about the scheduled events, please visit
By clicking on the link above, you will be able to view the items available at the silent auction, register for the chili-cookoff and even donate directly to the Chief Windrow Fund. 100% of the proceeds will go directly to Chief Windrow. Firefighters pride themselves on being able to take care of their own, but in this case BFR needs all the help and support that the community can give.
If you have any questions about how you can help, please contact the event coordinators at
Anyone interested in competing in the Corn Hole Tournament can register by sending an email to
We hope to see you at one of our events. Thank you for your support.