Saturday, November 22, 2014

Fire Chief's Briefing for November 15 through November 20, 2014

Here is a summary of Brentwood Fire and Rescue’s emergency activities for the period of November 15 through November 20, 2014.

We responded to 60 emergency calls for service.

These calls can be broken down into the following categories:

Fire: 3

EMS/Rescue: 30

Hazardous Condition: 6

Service Call: 5

Good Intent: 6

False Call: 10

Saturday, November 15 at approximately 4:40 pm:

E4 was dispatched on a report of a woods fire near a structure. B1 responded alongside E4 due to the possibility of the fire being off the roadway.  E4 and B1 arrived on scene to find a 150’ by 40’ area of grass on fire.  Crew members pulled a forestry fire specific hand line off the brush truck for extinguishment.  Due to several similar calls in the area and the proximity of the fire are to a pipeline right-of-way, the local gas company was requested to respond to the scene.  BFR personnel used a gas monitor to assess the area until the gas company arrived.  No additional hazards were found in the area and the fires were deemed to be not related to the gas lines. 

Thursday, November 20 at approximately 3:03 pm:

E3 was dispatched on an outside investigation after smoke was reported near several homes.  Upon arriving on scene crew members found three large brush piles on fire.  The area was not accessible by fire engine so BFR personnel investigated on foot.  Contact was made with workers on scene who advised they had a permit to burn the material.  E3 personnel had Dispatch check all active burn permits.  No permit was found and Brush 1 was requested to respond to the scene to assist with extinguishing the unpermitted burn.  All the brush piles were extinguished and the workers were advised of the burning regulations in Brentwood as well as how to complete the permitting process.  With no further hazards, all BFR units returned to service and quarters.