Friday, April 19, 2013

Fire Chief's Briefing for April 12 through April 17, 2013

Here is a summary of Brentwood Fire and Rescue’s emergency responses for the period of April 12 through April 17, 2013.
We responded to 32 emergency calls for service.
These calls can be broken down into the following categories:
Fire: 1
EMS/Rescue: 23
Service Call: 3
Good Intent: 2
False Call: 3
Here is an overview of significant events from this period’s activities:
Friday, April 12 at approximately 9:14 pm:
E2 and R1 were dispatched on a report of a motor vehicle accident with injuries on I-65 at the 69 mile marker.  Initial dispatch information indicated that that a two car accident had occurred near the exit ramp.  Upon arrival E2 found one vehicle with significant rear end damage and the occupant still inside.  E2 established command and discovered that a second vehicle with possible injured occupants was further down the interstate.  Command requested E3 to respond to the other vehicle.  E2 and R1 crew members found that the occupant of one vehicle was entrapped and prepared extrication tools while providing care, including spinal immobilization.  C3 responded to assist with command while patient care was taking place.  E3 arrived on scene and found the occupants of the second vehicle out and walking around.  E2 and R1 crew members continued treating the occupant’s injuries and loaded the patient into the ambulance.  E3 also provided patient care and immobilized the patient for transport in a second ambulance.  Command requested TDOT to respond to assist with removing hazards from the roadway.  Once the patients had been transported and all hazards had been addressed command was terminated and control of the scene was transferred to BPD.  All BFR units cleared the scene and returned to quarters. 
Saturday, April 13 at approximately 11:41 am:
E1, R1 and C3 were dispatched on report of a missing person.  Initial dispatch information indicated a child had been missing and was last seen near a creek by their home.  Upon arrival E2 received updated information from BPD on the child’s physical description.  E2 sounded the air horn three times in attempt to attract the attention of the child if they were nearby.  C3 established a grid search pattern and E2 and R1 crew members began searching the area.  E3 and L1 were requested to respond in order to assist with the search and provide an elevated view point.  After searching several areas the child returned home on their own.  Once it was verified that the child was not in need of medical attention all units returned to service and quarters. 
Sunday, April 14 at approximately 8:39 pm:
E2 was dispatched on a reported brush fire near a residence.  Upon arrival E2 found a small brush fire in a wooded area.  E2 was met by the property owner who stated they were just burning the brush to dispose of it.  The property owner indicated that they did not have a burn permit.  E2 used a garden hose to extinguish the fire.  B1 was then dispatched to the scene to assist with extinguishment.  Crew members used foam to aid in the extinguishment process.  Once all hazards were addressed and the property owner was informed of burning regulations E2 and B1 returned to service and quarters.