Friday, March 29, 2013

Child Passenger Safety Technicians

Ask any parent and they’ll probably tell you that installing a car seat can be a confusing and frustrating process. It can be a time of uncertainty and unnecessary stress, especially if the seat is for your first (un)born child. Many a parent has been broken and sent into a fit of rage while trying to figure out just how. exactly. does. this. infernal. device. fit. in. the. CAR!!! In fact, nearly 75% of all parent installed car seats are improperly installed. If you find yourself in this position, rest easy; Brentwood Fire and Rescue is here to help.
We have recently sent a number of our members to become Certified Car Seat Installation Technicians. Upon successful completion of this course, students become nationally certified Child Passenger Safety Technicians (CPSTs). This means that Brentwood Fire and Rescue is certified to install and inspect car seats as well as instruct parents in methods to properly keep their children safe in vehicles. 

Let us help properly install your car seat. This is an example of how good intentions can go awry

The course attended by BFR personnel is taught by Safe Kids Worldwide and spans 32 hours over a 4 day period. There are both classroom and hands on portions of the class, and students are introduced to all the major types of car seats as well as many of the minor variations between different manufacturers. At the end of the course the prospective technicians must demonstrate proper installation of all 5 main types of car seats.

A BFR Car Seat Technician explaining part of the installation process to a parent

The training is very thorough and does not end with the course. Car Seat Technicians are required to recertify every two years and must complete a minimum number of hours of continuing education during this time.

All car seat installations are thoroughly documented by the technician that performs the installation, and in the month of February alone BFR technicians installed 15 car seats. All car seat installations and inspections are performed by appointment only. If you would like to schedule an appointment, please contact Brentwood Fire and Rescue at (615) 371-0170.

Parents, you have enough to worry and stress about. Let us help ease a little of the burden off you. Call today.