Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Fire Chief's Briefing for August 3 through August 8, 2011

Here is a summary of Brentwood Fire and Rescue’s emergency responses for the period of August 3 through August 8, 2011.

We responded to 44 emergency calls for service.

These can be broken down into the following categories:

Fire: 1
EMS/Rescue: 22
Hazardous Condition: 2
Service Call: 3
Good Intent: 4
False Call: 11
Other: 1

Here is an overview of significant events from this period’s emergency activities:

Wednesday, August 3, 2011 at approximately 8:26 pm

C3 and E1 responded to a report of a dumpster fire endangering a residence.  While en route, dispatch informed E1 that the address was in Nashville.  E1 and C3 continued response and found a fully involved dumpster fire in the driveway of a home.  E1 extinguished the fire with foam.  Nashville Fire Department was cancelled per Car 3.  After overhaul and an additional tank of water no further hazards existed and E1 was placed available. 

Sunday, August 7, 2011 at approximately 3:58 am

E1 responded with other units to a reported head-on collision Southbound I-65 at the 73 mile marker.  Upon arrival, 2 vehicles were found in the center of the roadway with heavy front-end damage.  E1 extricated a trapped patient using the "Jaws of Life".  Following extrication, full cervical spine precautions were taken, all injuries were splinted, and an IV was established.  A total of 4 patients were transported to area hospitals with 2 patients being classified as critical.  The vehicle causing the accident was reportedly driving the wrong way up the interstate with no headlights.  E1 remained on scene after all patients were transported to mitigate all hazards and assist local police units with investigation.

Monday, August 8, 2011 at approximately 4:53 pm

E1 was dispatched on a report of 2 children locked in a non-running vehicle. E1 responded non emergency due to the short time frame in which the incident occurred. E1 arrived on scene and used the lock out kit to unlock the car without damage. The children showed no signs of any medical problems. E1 was placed available and returned to quarters.